Monday 9 December 2013

Top of the Blogs - Who is the top social networking user in Western Europe 2013?

The expansive net of social media stretches far and wide; and here in Europe, we are pretty dedicated to the service. But which country uses it the most? Which country is the most successful when using it? And is this reflective of who is contributing to it most. Nearing the end of the year, we find out which European country is at the top of the social networking world.


eMarketer produced the below chart, and it seems this year the UK are rather low on the charts. As we can see, Germany and Spain are rather close at the top; with the rest of Western Europe not that far behind. So what does this really show?

It shows that these countries are using more social networking, and when we think about how it is expanding and benefiting the business world, it begs the question - are we being left behind? Like most nations, we often like to think of ourselves at the forefront of most technological ventures.

Now whilst we are using social networking constantly, and advancing in the ways and means as to how, it seems maybe we are not propelling ourselves enough.

Each country may have different reasons to be using this medium and so the chart above may not be a necessarily strong basis for any assumption. To look further into what is being used we could take the following chart as an example.


As you can see from this, the UK are actually top of the list for Facebook users; with France and Germany in joint second. So are we focusing our attention too much on the social networking sites that aren't engineered to boost economy? Are we still in awe of online contact in our social lives? It may be time to use these new technologies and be aware of what they can do for us as a nation.

Obviously this is just speculation, and next year I am sure the results will be much different again. However we are using social networking and media, it is still very clear that we are using it a lot. As new ideas and concepts arise we will keep growing and moving online; there will be a new wave in social media again from now and it would be an economic benefit to be at the forefront of this.

Maybe we should be coming up with these ideas rather than just using them; this is a dynamic way to keep the market moving and to engineer it to our needs. We will keep monitoring the results throughout next year to see if the UK can keep up to speed with the rest of Western Europe.

What do you think about these results?

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