Thursday 5 December 2013

Custom Timelines on Twitter

Twitter have launched custom timelines! And everybody is very excited about this new personalisation and freedom to do exactly what YOU want with YOUR page. The social media released he update on the 12th of November and boast of how it is a 'entirely new type of timeline - one that you create'.


Twitter have now given us a way to become a little more individual on their site with this alteration. If you are a fan of Facebook, and like their set up, you will love the new options you have on Twitter. Not only can you change the look and 'feel' of your page; you can filter what you want and don't want from your timeline and newsfeed.
Once on Twitter and you begin following countless numbers of people it can all get a little overwhelming. The 'new tweets' number keeps growing and you feel like you can be missing something really important to you.

This is why Twitter have decided to give its users a little more power to personalise their news feeds and pages. I feel it is a genuine approach from the company to allow their users to feel more individual on the site.

Let's be honest we customise everything; our desktop backgrounds and screen savers, our phone covers, laptop bags... the list goes on. Our love to make ourselves individual in the physical world is one thing; but now most of us live online - we crave for it there too. We saw last week, the changes Google+ have made to their timelines to keep people interested - I feel this may be a knock-on effect throughout social media.


One of the pioneers of this new look Twitter was American celeb Carson Daly; he is currently a host on The Voice and the Timeline you can see above is his page for just that. Here, you can follow his interaction with the show, his opinions, tweets, pics and anything he has retweeted. A great example and celebrity endorsement to spark some interest.

So we are all looking and trying out the new timelines and overall I feel its a good idea. Its always good to keep moving and adapting within social media, and like Twitter do very well, listen to their users. Keeping your users happy will keep your site strong and the Twitter brand it arguably at its peak in the social media market.

The only aspect of this, though, is that Twitter serves a purpose for any array of people. It is fast paced and information driven, it was always more about who we follow than what our page 'says' about us. Personally, I do not want Twitter to become Facebook. I know this sounds drastic and we are a long way off but as said, things move fast online and if it becomes just another site... with a profile pick, cover photo and wall - I think I may shy away from it.

But, currently, I feel the change is a positive one - just enough customisation to give users an excuse to play around with the site and become more involved with it. Twitter, I'm sure, will be monitoring how their users will react and adapt from there. I am excited to see even more changes in the future - but not too many!

How do you feel about Twitters Custom Timelines?

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